This is a close up photo of the new chair pillow

Adding some comfort

My wife made me a new chair pillow as a present. She is more optimistic then I and thought “If you make a long flight you better sit comfortable”.

I could choose the fabric and pattern and she would make something nice out of it. Really cool and I really appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚

So I started with a drawing of a dual tone cushion. Figuring out how it all should come together was my wifes challenge.

For material we chose a leather and a soft fabric mainly used for upholstery projects.

One of our cats came to help in the process of measuring.

Meanwhile I made a label from a scrap piece of yellow leather. Yeah off course in the lazy laser buzzing way ๐Ÿ™‚

After assembly of the fabric and adding some buttons to connect the down part of the pillow to the seat in the plane. The end result looks really nice.

I hope to make some nice flights don’t know if they are long but at least I will enjoy them!






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