When the administation of the import was about halfway I could request a registration number and a call sign.
The registration number was placed using stickers, rather than being painted on the plane. Unfortunately the original registration was painted on so it took some effort to remove it without damaging the gelcoat. But the people from Service Center Terlet did excellent work.
During the process of my Libelle becoming a Dutch plane, SC Terlet frequently contacted me. They made suggestions for the best font and colour. And additionally they suggested to add two stickers with her name, just below the canopy on both sides. When the registration was applied a new turbulator strip was also adhered.
The registration number was automatically assigned, and that was PH-1683. A quick search on the internet taught me that the first two characters, PH, have been assigned to Dutch planes since 1929, so almost a hundred years. For the callsign I requested specifically for SIM. And it was approved, even though the I (India) does not get approved often in the Netherlands. I am very proud of having this call sign. You might now wonder what my relation is to Sierra, India or Mike. Well actually, I do not have any association with these names. Rather, my own first name is Simon, so I have named her after me!
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